What started as a street art project out of personal frustration around the seemingly still secondary nature of female pleasure, has become more and more a protest, political and personal.
We are channeling our anger and using it to develop the project continuously. Nothing has been fully formulated and with everyone who becomes involved we continuously learn and grow.
We created this brand as a place for us to be mad, explore, learn, rage, laugh, and cry. All in the safe space of the badass girl gang that always has your back and which we wished we could have had earlier. We want to offer access to knowledge, share experiences and whatever we need to fight patriarchy. Might it be as workshops, art, open talks, or as a platform for your ideas and projects.
We are channeling our anger and using it to develop the project continuously. Nothing has been fully formulated and with everyone who becomes involved we continuously learn and grow.
We created this brand as a place for us to be mad, explore, learn, rage, laugh, and cry. All in the safe space of the badass girl gang that always has your back and which we wished we could have had earlier. We want to offer access to knowledge, share experiences and whatever we need to fight patriarchy. Might it be as workshops, art, open talks, or as a platform for your ideas and projects.
For us, three components are reflected in the project's design and idea.
We don't recognize ourselves in most of the mainstream pink illustrations of vaginas/vulvas that seem to look more like flowers glittering in the moonlight than a genitalia. That's why we use high contrast black and white photographs, no context, nothing around it, not embellished or retouched - straight in your face.
We would love to showcase diversity as well. Lack of information and stigma so often leads to the false assumption that there is something wrong with one's own. The truth is, all bodies are different. That’s why we're constantly taking new photos and aim to be as representative as possible. Because we know that all vulvas deserve and need to be seen.
Female sexuality is not a byproduct of male satisfaction. We prioritize it knowing that our pleasure is our responsibility. Our sexuality is in our hands and we support shameless joy - as long as it's consensual. We take the space that we need for it and that was not given to us for way too fucking long, neither in daily life nor art. This is not about eroticism or sexualizing us, this is about normalizing, open access to information and freedom in sex and pleasure for all genders.
Female sexuality is not a byproduct of male satisfaction. We prioritize it knowing that our pleasure is our responsibility. Our sexuality is in our hands and we support shameless joy - as long as it's consensual. We take the space that we need for it and that was not given to us for way too fucking long, neither in daily life nor art. This is not about eroticism or sexualizing us, this is about normalizing, open access to information and freedom in sex and pleasure for all genders.
We reclaim the word "Bitch”, which has been misappropriated for far too long to demean women. Being loud and strong in our boundaries still gets misinterpreted as being aggressive. We've been conditioned to be ashamed of putting our own sexual needs first, for the way our vulvas look or smell - basically, for simply having one.
Female sexuality is not a byproduct of male satisfaction and if I am a bitch for prioritizing my own needs then, so it is - we are not going to fight against it anymore, we are not trying to please. That's why we chose this name. We are not going to wrap this up in nicer language, just to make it more pleasant for someone to read.
We’re bitches, and we’re relaxed about that.